I hope this email finds you well.
I would like to thank you all for your patience. I know it has been a long waiting.
After a few months of analyzing the costs and feasibility of adding biathlon to the programme of the Winter World Masters Games, I’m happy to inform you that biathlon will be part of the Games!
The following distances will be offered:
- Individual Men: 5 km, 7.5, 10km, 12.5km
- Individual Women: 7.5km
- Sprint Men: 9km, 6km, 5km
- Sprint Women: 5km
- Relais Men: 3x6km
- Relais Women: 3x5km
The distances will depend on the age categories.
The exact dates of races will be announced when the website is launched but without big changes, the races will take place on the second weekend (5-8th Feb. 2015)
The venue will be: Centre de biathlon Myriam-Bédard: http://www. centrecastor.com/activites-d- hiver/biathlon
The website will be launched by the end of June and registrations will open shortly after.
I would like to thank you once again for your patience. You can now get ready for the Games!
Best regards,
Samantha Hayward
International Masters Games Association (IMGA)
Manager Communications & Partnerships
+41 79 349 74 79
+41 21 601 81 71
Av. de Rhodanie 54
1007 Lausanne
International Masters Games Association (IMGA)
Manager Communications & Partnerships
+41 79 349 74 79
+41 21 601 81 71
Av. de Rhodanie 54
1007 Lausanne